George Herbert Quotes

Text Quotes
Not only ought fortune to be pictured on a wheel, but every thing else in this world (George Herbert Quotes)
He that hath time and looks for better time, time comes that he repents himself of time (George Herbert Quotes)
Shewa good man his errour and he turnes it to a vertue, but an ill, it doubles his fault (George Herbert Quotes)
He that dies without the company of good men puts not himselfe into a good way (George Herbert Quotes)
Between the businesse of life and the day of death, a space ought to be interposed (George Herbert Quotes)
Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing... a grateful heart! (George Herbert Quotes)
By all means use some time to be alone, salute thyself, see what thy soul doth wear (George Herbert Quotes)
Be not too presumptuously sure in any business; for things of this world depend on such a train of unseen chances that if it were in man’s hands to set the tables, still he would not be certain to win the game (George Herbert Quotes)
Go not for every grief to the physician, nor for every quarrel to the lawyer, nor for every thirst to the pot (George Herbert Quotes)
A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out (George Herbert Quotes)
He that is not handsome at twenty, nor strong at thirty, nor rich at forty, nor wise at fifty, will never bee handsome, strong, rich, or wise (George Herbert Quotes)
Who letts his wife goe to every feast, and his horse drinke at every water, shall neither have good wife nor good horse (George Herbert Quotes)
If any speak ill of thee, fly home to thy own conscience and examine thy heart. If thou art guilty, it is a just correction; if not guilty, it is a fair instruction (George Herbert Quotes)
Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and brave, bids the rash gazer wipe his eye, thy root is even in the grave, and thou must die (George Herbert Quotes)
Children when they are little make parents fooles, when they are great they make them mad (George Herbert Quotes)
If I have but enough for myself and family, I am steward only for myself: if I have more, I am but a steward of that abundance for others (George Herbert Quotes)
The drunkard forfeits man and doth divest all wordly right, save what he hath by beast (George Herbert Quotes)
Lose not thyself, nor give thy humors way; God gave them to thee under lock and key (George Herbert Quotes)
Pursue not a victory too far. He hath conquered well that hath made his enemy fly; thou mayest beat him to a desperate resistance, which may ruin thee (George Herbert Quotes)
Let thy mind still be bent, still plotting, where, and when, and how thy business may be done. Slackness breeds worms; but the sure traveller, though he alights sometimes still goeth on (George Herbert Quotes)
All foreign wisdom doth amount to this, to take all that is given, whether wealth, or love, or language; nothing comes amiss: A good digestion turneth all to health (George Herbert Quotes)
Times have changed since George Herbert... but the principle and spirit in which he ministered as a priest remains an inspiration and model for all priests (George Herbert Quotes)